New tinderbox.

Chris Ball cjb at
Thu Feb 28 08:50:29 PST 2008

Hi JoJo,

   > more importantly, why is sparc64 all green ?

   > (is it because of api etc stability?)

I disabled the driver build on the sparc64 machine because that box is
quite slow to build¹, and so that we'd have at least one build run that
is green unless the server build fails.


- Chris.

¹:  Which is odd, because that machine is a Niagara T1 with 32 cores;
    looking at the time taken for each stage, the reason that it's
    slower than an average x86 box seems to be that configure doesn't
    parallelize at all, and each core individually is quite slow.  Once
    it actually gets into compiling with make -j64, it's very fast.
    Configure-time dominates compile-time, though.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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