XGrabKey questions

Wang Baisheng baisheng.wang.cn at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 13:40:48 PST 2008

Hi, All
	I am using the XGrabKey, but I am confused...

	First, for params keyboard_mode, the man page says "If the keyboard_mode 
argument is GrabModeAsync, keyboard event processing continues as usual", but 
when I write some code like, "   XGrabKey(display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, 
XK_d), 0, rootWindow, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);", the focus 
application can not receive any key d press event.
	And the man page says "Actual keyboard changes are not lost while the 
keyboard is frozen; they are simply queued in the server for later 
processing", but after I receive the key press event, I call XAllowEvents, 
but I can not receive any KeyRelease event, why ?

	And I search internet for an example, but I haven't got it. So I appreciate 
your help. Thanks.

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