Preventing screensaver when playing movie?

Erik esigra at
Tue Feb 26 11:22:37 PST 2008

Dotan Cohen skrev:
> On 26/02/2008, Harald Braumann <harry at> wrote:
>>  > How can the media player achieve this with xorg?
>> AFAIK xine sends fake shift key press events. I guess this is the
>>  safest way of fooling any programme that tries to do something after an
>>  inactivity time-out.

I have looked at XTestFakeKeyEvent. Is that what xine is using?

> ‎That could be problematic with Sticky Keys users, like myself. I
> might just hit Enter in an email, and have it registered as
> Shift-Enter and therefore sent, when I do not want that.
Is there a safe key to send? Or some even better way? I want it to be 
implement as an API call in SDL, so that all SDL programs can use it. It 
is not a good idea to depend on KDE or GNOME since SDL depends on X11 
but not KDE or GNOME.

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