Few words about intel graphics on G965 (DG965RY)

Maxim Levitsky maximlevitsky at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 18:48:25 PST 2008


I am testing again the intel driver on my system, and I like it,
the compiz works almost perfectly, and relatively fast (~30 FPS)

I like to say about bugs that I found (probably they are known, but anyway):

* First of all I have two intel drivers 'intel', and 'i810'.
i810 uses bios for modesetting, and it sets modes, and restores console ok.
on the other hand the 'intel' driver probably does the work directly, and it doesn't restore
the console, and fails on switching resolutions (I explain later how)

* Secondary shader related plugins of compiz are broken (I guess the is known):
The reflection, motion blur, window blur just doesn't work.
(Although cube reflection and shift does work)
The water plugin does show the water, but all windows became while rectangles untill it
is turned off.

* Most annoying bug : If something happen with the driver (failed modesetting, compiz hang, 
just ctrl+backspace, even a switch to console and back), the screen is replaced with blinking color,
the whole screen is filled with random color and it blinks.
The X restart just doesn't help, and only a reboot helps.
I suspect that origin of framebuffer is misplaced, because the color of that blinking is related to
the actual color of the screen, (for example the login screen is blue, and I see a blue screen instead of login if I restart X)
This is even happens without compiz running.

And furthermore I want to ask few questions,
First of all, when you expect ttm to be included in linux kernel.
And how can I test it?

I assume that ttm will allow to use compiz in direct rendering mode, and fix problems with XV and opengl
which aren't redirected now (but I don't mind that)
Plus shaders should work in direct mode, so this will fix the shaders too (Although the indirect shaders should be fixed too)

Also intel driver currently doesn't support access to monitor via DDCCI, it would be nice to add this.
I want to use ddccontrol with this driver.

Best regards, (And thanks for documentation)
	Maxim Levitsky

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