nv dual head

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Mon Apr 28 12:06:21 PDT 2008

Stephane Marchesin wrote:
> On 4/28/08, Tiago Vignatti <vignatti at c3sl.ufpr.br> wrote:
>> Hi Yan, how are you?
>>  Yan Seiner escreveu:
>>> Could someone please let me know the status of the nv driver?  Does it
>>  > support dual head?  and/or does nouveau?  And if nouveau is the way to go,
>>  > how close is it to inclusion in the mainstream release?
>> It must be working with nv.
> Dual head doesn't mean dual card but single card with two heads... nv
> only supports dual head on g80 (that's 8xxx and 9xxx). If you want
> dual head on older stuff, you need nouveau.
> As for inclusion in "mainstream releases" it really depends what you
> mean... In short, I'd say we're not ready to work on stable
> interfaces, but people are welcome to get current git/use prebuilt
> git.
> Stephane

I was planning a test server system for a multiseat system with 4x PCIe 
nvidia cards with dual head vga outputs. So this result in a system with 
8 displays. I wanted to use the nv driver for this. Does this mean the 
nv driver is not ready to create a stable system on this moment?

Kind regards,


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