XEvents are received after a certian delay

Itamar Axelrod itamar.axelrod.work at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 10:25:32 PDT 2007

Hi all,

I'm using the standard X11 Xlib API to handle Xevents.
See the following code segment:

XSetWindowAttributes attr;

XEvent event;

attr.event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |

StructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask;

XSelectInput(m_Vw->getDisplay(), m_Vw->getWindow(), attr.event_mask);



      XNextEvent(m_Vw->getDisplay(), &event);

      if( handleXEvents(event) != EV_OK ) // a closing or error events has
occured - exit





I'm running on a MIPS machine.

What I had noticed, is that from the moment that an event has occurred to
the time I receive it - there's a certain delay (~0.2-0.3 secs). The MIPS
machine is only 300Mhz - but, alas, that's very strange behaviour from the X

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!

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