xserver-1.4-branch & 1.4.1 release?
Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
ademar at mandriva.com.br
Fri Nov 9 11:37:10 PST 2007
On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 01:04:05AM +0200, Daniel Stone wrote:
> Please test this (distributors especially) and give me feedback.
I didn't have much time to test it (1.4-branch), but so far I can
report some problems. I'm sorry for not creating bugzilla tickets
for every problem, but it went offline just while I was using it.
I hope some of the reports are useful anyway, even with the
limited debug information.
1. On a dual-keyboard setup (one usb and other ps/2), X doesn't
start (crash on startup). If I plug the usb one after it's up, it
works, but crashs (segv) when I unplug it.
(see attachments: log and backtrace - sorry, debug was
2. My numlock led has its logic inverted (reproduced on several
ps/2 keyboards but not in all of them).
3. As reported by someone else, keyboard events are sent to the
windows with the mouse pointer besides the focused one.
Happens sporadically, but is common... I see it several times a
day using both WindowMaker and Fluxbox, with mouse-focus
disabled (no extensive tests though).
4. Keyboard events are sometimes lost
(why the patch is not in the 1.4 branch?)
5. There's something wrong with the keyboard repeat rate, but I'm
not sure I understand it yet... Some symptoms:
5a: one of my keyboards now has a very high repeat rate by
default. Besides, if I change it to, for example, xset r rate 250
1, and keep a key pressed, I get one initial keypress event and
then after 250ms I start getting two keypress events at every
second (together).
5b: on another keyboard, I get what I call "keyboard repeat
(de)acceleration": if I set the repeat rate to 200/sec, for
example, I get this rate on the first initial events but
then the rate gets back to "normal" after a few milisecs. The
same with a rate of 1/sec or whatever value.
BTW, during my tests with a high repeat rate, sometimes events
are sent to a different window where the mouse is located. Maybe
the two problems are correlated.
6. My keyboard layout from xorg.conf is still being ignored. I
would like xserver 1.4 to be backward compatible and keep
current configurations working (see previous discussion on this
list). On some systems it works "as expected", but not on mine.
7. When I connect a second keyboard (usb in my case), I get some
mouse events (the mouse moves up and I get a mouse
Again, I hope some of it may be useful. Please let me know if
there's any more information I can provide (but hurry, I'll leave
the office in one hour). :-)
- Ademar
Ademar de Souza Reis Jr.
Mandriva - http://www.mandriva.com.br
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