BadAlloc with XV and 1.9.92

Colin Guthrie gmane at
Wed Mar 21 02:34:44 PDT 2007

Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 09:08 +0000, Colin Guthrie wrote:
>> I just wish there was one ultimate video output method that allowed fast
>> accelerated video with GL overlays...
> What do GL overlays have to do with this? ;)

Maybe using the terminology wrong, but I just want a funky UI on my
video player where the controls fade in and out!! :p

> Seriously though, current xf86-video-intel defaults to the textured
> XVideo adaptor, which works correctly with compositing managers, at
> least with EXA. What does xvinfo say?

I've attached the xvinfo output, let me know if any more info helps.
Nothing specific to this error in any logs, but can supply full log if
that helps...



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