i915 limited to 1280x1280? (muli display question)

Remy Bosch remybosch at zonnet.nl
Thu Jun 7 13:40:00 PDT 2007

Bernard Siaud alias Troumad wrote:
> Remy Bosch a écrit :
>> Looks like the issue  I noticed.
> What ?
> I did not see the address of the issue ! Where is it ?
The desktop is streched over two screens, right?
What I got was, that the Desktop was treated as if it was on one screen.
In your case the menu goes to the left instead of the right.
In my case, maximizing a window covered both screens instead of one.
I'd blame this on the windowmanager (icewm). This was also suggested in
one of your links X11 does nothing wrong from what I can see.
> You can see in my issue that's now I have this problem only with iceWM 
> and mozilla product 
Could try them both, asking for support...

Succes to us all ;)


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