Git question

Peter Hutterer mailinglists at
Mon Jun 4 17:32:56 PDT 2007

Deron Johnson wrote:
> I have created a branch of the xserver git repository and I have done a 
> git commit -a of my changes and followed it
> with a git push of the branch. But when I pull over a new copy of the 
> repository and check out my branch none of my
> changes are there. This sequence worked for me when I was creating 
> looking glass branches a while back. Does anybody
> know why it isn't working now?  (BTW: I am using git 1.4.4).

do you have a push line for your branch in .git/remotes/origin?

URL: git+ssh://user@host/path/module
Pull: master:origin
Push: mynewbranch:mynewbranch

you'll need that to be able to create your branch remotely.
Once you cloned the remote one, you should have a Pull line for the 
branch anyway and it should just work.

if all of that doesn't work, does git push origin branchname work or 
spit out errors?


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