What _is_ the fill rate of an unladen r100?

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Fri Jun 1 16:48:39 PDT 2007

So I continue to thrash about trying to figure out EXA
performance---all the while exposing my ignorance and stupidity in
blog entries along the way:



I figured out why my cairo-perf test was getting numbers for EXA
rectangle fills that were much faster than x11perf, (see links above
for the boring details).

What is still confusing to me is that it seems that when I start my X
server, (whether EXA or not), with my r100 I sometimes get fill rates
of about 125M pixels/sec., (x11perf -rect500 says 501 rects/sec.), and
I sometimes get fill rates of about 193M pixels/sec, (x11perf -rect500
says 772 rects/sec.).

The behavior seems to stay the same within a running instance of the X
server. But I don't have any idea what triggers the change, (I
originally saw the slow rate from a custom-built server and the fast
rate from a Debian-packaged server, but then I saw the fast rate from
the original custom-built server).

Anyone have any insight on what might be happening there?

And does anybody know exactly what fill rate I should "expect" from
this card? Or I how might determine memory speeds or other information
necessary to determine that?


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