issues with intel driver and dpms

Wang Zhenyu at
Mon Jul 16 18:15:12 PDT 2007

On 2007.07.14 20:47:50 +0000, Matthew O'Gorman wrote:
> Hi I emailed a few days ago about an issue with dpms and xrandr, well
> xrandr was solved perfectly, but i am still having an issue with dpms.
> when i blank my laptop screen it very often causes my machine to hard
> lock, but not every time, just over whelming majority.
> I am running
> X Window System Version 1.3.0
> xrandr 1.2.2
> git checkout of intel drivers as of a few days ago
> thinkpad x30 with 1.0.9 bios
> intel i810

What's the type of intel gfx chip of x30? Could you first try latest
git and with version 2.0 to see if there's any difference?

> If there is not a fix available or some way to deal with it, is there
> a way i can force dpms to off, i tried dpms false in xorg and it did
> not seem to work.

we should fix the driver.

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