RandR future proposals

Graeme Gill graeme2 at argyllcms.com
Sun Feb 18 23:09:22 PST 2007

Keith Packard wrote:

> I'm thinking these things should just appear as output properties; we
> should be able to build standard code for all of the drivers that can
> get and set these values.

It would be good if that were so, but the impression I get from
the discussions around ddccontrol seem to hint that each monitor
needs a slightly different control set (ie. ddccontrol has database
to encapsulate such differences and allow for new monitors), and
I suspect things like loading the LCD video luts is outside
the VESA spec., and hence may well be different for each vendor.

If this is the situation, then it might be better if RandR just
provided the mechanism to access DDC/CI, and left all the monitor
specific stuff up to another layer ?

Graeme Gill.

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