xf86-video-intel - enforce a given resolution on the DVI port?

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Sun Feb 4 12:40:39 PST 2007

On Sun, 2007-02-04 at 13:46 +0100, Dag Bakke wrote:
> Hi.
> I have an Aopen minipc with an intel 915gm. It has a DVI port. Connected 
> to that is my TV, with a DVI port and a 1366x768 LCD panel.
> I cannot make the pc output 1366x768 on the DVI port, not even with the 
> modesetting branch as of this morning. It firmly insists on 1024x768.
> What causes this, and is there anything I can do to convince the 915gm 
> chip that I really want it to produce 1366x768 on the DVI port no matter 
> what the TV may have to say about its capabilities?

By default, the driver picks a screen size from one of the monitors and
sets all of the others as close as it can. So, the driver found a
built-in LVDS through data in the BIOS (which you probably don't have)
and set all of the outputs to that size (1024x768). The best thing to do
at this point is disable the LVDS output, which will cause the server to
skip that and use the DVI connector for the default size.

With very new bits (which you appear to have), you can disable an output
as follows:

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"LCD"
	Option		"Ignore" "True"

Section "Device"
	Option		"monitor-LVDS" "LCD"

We have yet to discover a way to determine if an LVDS panel is
connected, so we're continuing to guess based on the BIOS table data
(which aopen doesn't bother to clear before selling hardware).

> ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-dri   causes the build to fail. If 
> this is expected, perhaps the option should be removed?

I don't think anyone has tested without DRI in a long time; please feel
free to file a bug report so we won't forget to fix it at some point.

keith.packard at intel.com
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