X3100 OpenGL incredibly slow and buggy on 2.2.0

Fabio Corazza fabio.corazza at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 08:25:50 PST 2007

Hi all,

The title is quite meaningful: running xf86-video-intel 2.2.0, Mesa
7.0.1, not running compiz or any other sort of composite window
manager, have Composite extension and AIGLX turned off (but it doesn't
make any difference), I find OpenGL applications to be very slow.
glxgears shows an average of 1100fps (this is what a GMA950 usually

Tried etracer and got a maximum of 25fps in the high motion scenes. If
I try to play videos using OpenGL output under VLC as soon as I resize
the video X freezes leaving me with the only option to reboot the
laptop. Google Earth after the login freezes the system (although I
can still move the mouse) and even then, the only solution is to

If I move the glxgears window while the gears are running, the motion
inside the window gets corrupted and fps suddenly fall down to
300/400. Sometimes, it even freezes X and corrupt the whole screen
(solution: reboot).

Practically 3D acceleration is unusable. DRI is enabled, glxinfo shows
nothing strange. I don't really don't know what to try anymore. The
previous driver (2.1.1) showed the same issues. I'm forced to use XAA
instead of the default EXA otherwise I couldn't see the fonts (guess
this is an antialiasing related bug?).

I don't really know what is wrong, acceleration is enabled but just
unusable. I always thought Intel cards would excel under Linux due to
the open drivers and having gone through this I'm simply baffled.
Coming from an ATI card I originally thought the nightmare would have
ended, but I see it's still chasing me..

Additionally, horizontal tearing on video when using Xv is very
evident especially in the fast motion scenes. I've read a thread of
almost 10 months ago when somebody reported the bug and Keith Packard
suggested some possible future fix, but it looks like that hasn't been
implemented yet. Textured Video should have improved things but the
actual implementation of the driver under Linux works way worse than

Sorry if mine looks more a complaint rather than a constructive bug
report, I know there many out there who volunteer their work and do
their best to make drivers usable with no reward of any sort, but when
it comes to Intel I would have expected more support from the
manufacturer to produce better Linux drivers.

If you have any idea to fix the above issues or you need more
debugging to be done on my side I'd be more than glad to do so.
Meanwhile I attach xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log if it can be of any help.

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