FW: radeon dual head

Jethro Tull heavytull at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 24 06:07:47 PST 2007

From: heavytull at hotmail.com
To: alexdeucher at gmail.com
Subject: RE: radeon dual head
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 14:07:01 +0000

The following is a format corrected of the message i posted yesterday:


I'm trying to configure my Xserver to get working as th dual head mode on my laptop.
it's a 1280x800 flat screen and the extra monitor is a 1440x900.
the specific config lines are as follows:
Section "Monitor"   
 Identifier  "My Monitor"   
 HorizSync   30-48
VertRefresh    60

Section "Monitor"
Identifier    "Extra Mon"    
HorizSync     31.5-67.5    
VertRefresh   75
Identifier  "Screen 1"    
Device      "** ATI Radeon (generic)               [radeon]"   
 Monitor     "My Monitor"    
DefaultDepth 24        
Subsection "Display"                
Depth           24                Modes           "1280x800" "800x600"                
ViewPort        0 0
Section "Screen"
Identifier    "Screen 2"
Device        "** ATI Radeon (generic)               [radeon]"
Monitor       "Extra Mon"
DefaultDepth  24         
Subsection "Display"         
Depth          24         
Modes          "1440x900"
 ViewPort 0 0        
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier  "Simple Layout"
Screen "Screen 1"
Screen "Screen 2" LeftOf "Screen1"

but it doesn't work as expected, the extra monitor display seems to be assigned a 600x800 resolution and shows a part of the desktop but can slip on the whole desktop when the pointer reaches an end of the screen. While the main screen of the laptop is assigned the correct resolution.

the output of the Xorg.log is as follows:
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", 
Time: Sun Dec 23 13:18:44 2007
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"(**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
(**) |   |-->Monitor "My Monitor"
(**) |   |-->Device "** ATI Radeon (generic)               [radeon]"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen 2" (1)
(**) |   |-->Monitor "Extra Mon"
(**) |   |-->Device "** ATI Radeon (generic)               [radeon]"
(EE) Screen Screen1 doesn't exist: deleting placement

While when the xorg.conf file is configured for a single head everything is OK.


> Your mailer seems to have messed up your message. 
bloody hotmail

>What version of the
> driver are you using? 
how do you check this information?

>The 6.7.19x series only supports multi-head via
> xrandr. zaphod mode is not suppored.  If you want to use zaphod mode,
> you'll need either 6.6.3 or ati git master.
> Alex

by the way i would like to know if this is normal tthat drm is never loaded.

when i load it manually it says:

root at slack12:/home/slackkk# modprobe drm
FATAL: Error inserting drm (/lib/modules/ Cannot allocate memory

but the X interface works well, Open GL screen savers are Ok, some are slow.
google earth is not hard accelerated at all, it is awfully slow and runs th CPU at 100%

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