Looking for XRender examples

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Mon Dec 10 12:37:59 PST 2007

On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 20:20:42 +0100, "Clemens Eisserer" wrote:
> One of the things which quite confuse me is how the problem of
> antialiased polygons is solved, if the are composed of several
> trapezoids ... however I've to look at cairo's source ^^

I'm not sure what your question is, but I'd be glad to help answer it
if that would be easier than browsing through cairo's source code.

Cairo does tessellate complex polygons into a set of trapezoids for
XRender to rasterize and composite. And Render does guarantee that the
antialiased rasterization of trapezoids with shared edges will combine
to exactly 1 so that there are no visible internal seams.

Is there something else that you have a question about?

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