[RFC] Input design (feature request)

Magnus Vigerlöf Magnus.Vigerlof at home.se
Sun Apr 22 01:32:57 PDT 2007

On söndag 22 april 2007, Anders Johansson wrote:
> Hi,
> If you are redesigning this, please have the following feature request
> in mind: I would be able to temporarily share one screen/input
> devices with a screen on another machine. This would be helpful in
> group collaboration

VNC, or maybe synergy [1] if you don't need to see the screen locally. Synergy 
can't have more than one 'master' pointer though, but that could change with 
the introduction of MPX.

> and for people doing user support. Imagine for 
> example to be able to remotely bring up a users screen and show them
> how to do something by moving their mouse around and type on their
> keyboard instead of trying to help them over the phone :).

Our IT-department uses VNC (or something like it) for exactly these cases. 
Besides I'm not really sure if interconnecting different X-server input 
devices is something that the X-server should be addressing (at all), it 
feels more like a problem for an external program (VNC/Synergy).


[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/synergy2/

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