RandR version 1.2 revisited

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Wed Sep 13 09:58:59 PDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 11:08 -0400, Alex Deucher wrote:

> Rather then having one big "screen" with multiple crtcs pointed at it,
> it would be more efficient to have each crtc point at it's own
> "screen" for multi-head modes.

Each screen gets it's own list of CRTCs, you can do this if you like.

And, there's nothing saying you have to allocate a contiguous frame
buffer for a screen. Consider how the current Xinerama implementation
works; the screen is broken up into separate frame buffers.

The main issue is that I'm not interested in attempting to dynamically
change the number of X screens visible through the protocol; that looks
'really hard' to get right. And, I'm not sure it's useful anyway, the
only thing it gives us over Xinerama-style multi-monitor is the ability
to have different depths. Given Composite's ability to synthesize
arbitrary depths, you can even run the hardware at different depths as
long as the software synthesizes a matching set of depths on each

keith.packard at intel.com
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