Fullscreen WITHOUT window decoration

Philip Pflästerer ppflaesterer at konplan.com
Fri Sep 8 01:30:08 PDT 2006


i want to develop a fullscreen application by using the xlib functions.
Fullscreen means also NO window decoration. Normaly the window
decoration is provided by the window manager. To ignore the window
manager, i set the override_redirect flag to TRUE.

XSetWindowAttributes setwinattr;
setwinattr.override_redirect = True;

XChangeWindowAttributes(display, win, valuemask, &setwinattr);

This works fine so far, i have total control over the size, position an
decoration (none) of the window. Unfortunatly, the window doesn't
disappear when i change the focus to another window (for example by
pressing ALT+TAB). It alway stays mapped on top, so I can't see the
other windows or even the desktop. If I unmap the window manually,
there's no way to get it back on screen because there's no entry in the
task-bar. I guess these features are controlled by the window manager I
set to be ignored with the code above.

So my question is: How can I realize a fullscreen application WITHOUT
ignoring the window manager? If that's not possible, how can I solve the
problem described above?

Yours sincerly
Philip Pflästerer

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