Triple monitor AGP+PCI, mergedfb and xvideo

Aefron aefron_ml at
Tue Oct 3 08:08:02 PDT 2006


I'm sending on this mailing-list to try to investigate an annoying
problem I encounter with my system.

My layout is quite unusual, but here is what I try to set up:


      MergedFB 1600x1200-1280x1024 dual head using an AGP Radeon with
      the free-driver (overall in order to benefit from double-buffer
      and xvideo extensions, which I lose benefit from if I try to
      activate Xinerama)


      800x600 isolated X-screen on my TV using a PCI Radeon with the
      free-driver (I use a VGA-to-S-Video converter, which I find more
      convenient than patching my with the Gatos-like driver)

Everything works fine until I decide to launch a fullscreen video using
mPlayer and xv output on the TV X-display (namely :0.1)... the video is
displayed quite incorrectly, as I am only able to see a small part of
it, overzoomed and truncated.

What seems to happen is that fullscreen XVideo output on the PCI overlay
is doing as if it tried to map over a surface which size equals the AGP
overlay's one that is much bigger. Indeed, if I try to pass the
-geometry 800x600+0+0 parameter to mPlayer, the video fulls the TV
screen in its totality (though it's deformed, just being a resized
X-window, in which video aspect ratio is not being conserved... tough,
xvideo, even windowed, seems to works, relative to the very low CPU
consommation)... Worse... If I try to pass the -geometry 800x600-0-0
parameter to mPlayer, the video is not centered on my monitor and gets

Of course, it could be a mPlayer bug, but what makes me think MergedFB
is in cause is that passing it in clone-mode on both AGP outputs
(instead of 1600x1200-1280x1024) is enough to make the PCI card display
the fullscreen Xvideo like it should. Only dual-headed MergedFB makes
thing behaves strangely (and as Xinerama disables xv and dbe extensions,
this is not an option to me either).

I think I've tried out every single documented option in man xorg.conf,
have used well-supported 9200 Radeon, as well as
experimentally-supported 9600 Radeon (as well in AGP as in PCI), tried
not to use the VGA-converter and use a third computer CRT instead, did
not have seen any change using xvattr and the XV_SWITCHCRT attribute
(though I am not sure to understand how it works) and do not know how to
change the option Videokey mentioned in the free-driver radeon
manpage... Nothing has changed...

Nobody seeming to know how the VideoAdaptors section works in xorg.conf
doesn't relieve me either...

I also have seen on the 7.2 release plans
( that this release
should fix some PCI bugs (I have been forced to upgrade to 7.1 on
my Gentoo because 7.0 made the PCI card crash on startx) and that
MergedFB-like pseudo-xineramas setups are gonna be unified in that they
will have to use the Xinerama extension. Does anybody knows wether it
may solve my problem or not? Has this problem already been encoutered or
reported (information about triple-screen configs with is quite
rare... ooohhh yeeah...) ?

Another question that hangs around my mind concerns any method to verify
that the PCI fullscreen overlay may indeed be of a size it should not
(xvinfo does not seem to...).... Any suggestion?

Now for a résumé :

=> Config

1 PCI Radeon 9200 and 1 AGP Radeon 9600 (or 9200... tried both, nothing

Linux 2.6.17-r4 7.1

xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log and xvinfo output in attachment



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