Proposal to deprecate CID

Daniel Stone daniel at
Thu Nov 9 01:47:42 PST 2006

Per bug #5553[0], I'd like to see if there's any way we could manage to
remove CID support from libXfont, and also mkcfm.  Distributing CID
support, as mentioned there, has made both Debian, and the lawyer at
work, quite unhappy for the indemnification clause, and for the
'important legal notice' bit, which seems to place a
very-hard-to-follow, BSD-with-advertising-clause-alike, restriction on

Is there anyone out there who still uses CID?  I couldn't find any CID
fonts in Debian[1], and I don't know that it's support we still need to
be shipping, given the legal caveats.  If there are no objections, I'll
push the code removal through for 7.3.


     shows this for grep CID | grep fonts:
     usr/share/fonts/cmap/gs-cjk-resource/Adobe-CNS1-H-CID non-free/text/gs-cjk-resource
     usr/share/fonts/cmap/gs-cjk-resource/Adobe-GB1-H-CID non-free/text/gs-cjk-resource
     usr/share/fonts/cmap/gs-cjk-resource/Adobe-Japan1-H-CID non-free/text/gs-cjk-resource
     usr/share/fonts/cmap/gs-cjk-resource/Adobe-Korea1-H-CID non-free/text/gs-cjk-resource
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