PCI-E card with two dvi outputs with FOSS drivers

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Sat May 27 04:26:26 PDT 2006


I'm getting fed up waiting for support to the external TMDS of my X700
desktop PCIE card (besides its stability under that other OS is not that

So I'm shopping again for a PCI-E card with the following features :
1. two dvi outputs
2. passive cooling
3. 2D FOSS drivers (not vesa, I have a 1680x1050 LCD)
4. optional (but nice) features to have :
   a. 3D FOSS drivers
   b. dual DVI
   c. HDCP support

It seems the last batch of GForce 7600 GS/GT is fitting the bill nicely.
Will it work with the xorg nv driver ?


Nicolas Mailhot
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