X coding style

Egbert Eich eich at suse.de
Wed May 10 02:41:19 PDT 2006

Keith Packard writes:
 > On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 10:04 -0400, Adam Jackson wrote:
 > > But if you want the brief summary, it's K&R, and the rationale is that it's 
 > > _the_ common style.
 > No, it's not K&R; at a minimum, we use a mixture of spaces and tabs to
 > achieve 4-character cell indentation almost everywhere. Plus, in the X
 > server, the general format is:
 >     if (foo)
 >     {
 > 	indented body
 >     }
 >     else
 >     {
 > 	indented else
 >     }
 > while K&R uses
 > 	if (foo) {
 > 		indented body
 > 	} else {
 > 		indented else
 > 	}
 > I don't care which you use in your own code, but do try to precisely
 > match the code in which you are working when making changes.

The latter one was the one used in DDX. I remember that in my very 
early days David Dawes strongly recommended this one to me so I got 
acustomed to it and have used it ever since.
Today I'm using it because I'm most used to it and it makes code
most readable for me - not to endores a certain persons views or


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