X coding style

Daniel Stone daniel at freedesktop.org
Wed May 3 05:20:24 PDT 2006

On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 05:25:54PM -0700, Ian Romanick wrote:
> Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Coding style wars are incredibly dumb.  Ian's agreed to follow the style
> > of any code he patches, AFAICT (a sensible policy), so let's all just
> > move on, and not bother trolling with coding style/editor wars.
> Many large open-source projects document what their coding style
> guidelines are and what the rationale behind them is.  No such document
> exists for X.org, but I strong believe that one should.  At the very
> least a set of basic naming conventions (e.g., functions with these
> attributes should be named xorgFoo) and a set of indent flags should be
> documented.

Yes, that would be very nice, but for now, the only convention is, don't
break the existing convention.  If you're working on your own code, then
you can do what you like, but if you're working on other people's code,
then play by their rules.

It's similar to someone coming in and committing their own bizzarely
different coding style to Mesa.  It's just a basic form of respect.
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