Dealing with git

Keith Packard keithp at
Tue Mar 21 11:28:00 PST 2006

On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 11:15 -0800, Deron Johnson wrote:
> Thanks. I've now managed to punch my way through the firewall and
> I now get a password prompt. I tried my usual xorg password but it
> doesn't work. Does the git stuff have a different password. Do
> I need to register some where?

fd.o doesn't accept passwords at all; you have to use the right SSH key,
just like you would on any other fd.o machine. If you're successfully
using passwords with ssh, I'd sure like to know (note that this is
'password', not 'pass phrase'). 

Also, if you were using .ssh/authorized_key files on gabe, those aren't
propogated. We place SSH keys in LDAP so they can be propogated to all
of our machines. When we had only one machine, it didn't matter, but now
that we've got several, you'll want to make sure the appropriate keys
are in the LDAP database.

keith.packard at
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