Xorg 7.0r1 / i810 / ForceBios doesn't work with fairlite drivers

Rev. John Missing john.missing at verizon.net
Sun Jun 25 17:39:57 PDT 2006

This is particularly frustrating for those of us who are not programmers 
and can't write our own or hack the existing ones. :-(     Especially 
when we did have it working, after a fashion with XFree86.

Philip Prindeville wrote:

>Tim Dijkstra wrote:
>>There is supposed to be a branch that would add native mode setting to
>>the xorg module, would that not also fix the problem? Seems easier to
>>wait for that to stabilize.
>>grts Tim
>Problem is that some drivers are closer to realizing this than others.

Rev. John "Yona Gadadoli (Praying Bear)" Missing
(john.missing at verizon.net OR bishopjohnc at yahoo.com) 
'First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrat, so I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did little. Then when they came for me, there was no one left to stand up for me.' (Martin Niemöller) 

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