[PATCH] cogito-0.17.3 unable to parse tags from (recent?) git versions

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Mon Jul 3 00:23:58 PDT 2006

On Sun, 02 Jul 2006, nix at esperi.org.uk prattled cheerily:
> ... aha, it parses git-ls-remote output and gets it wrong: tags from
> git-ls-tags as of git-1.4.x don't have ^{} on their ends

I was wrong. Some do. Apparently new ones do: old ones from the cvs
conversion script don't.

Is this a bug in the conversion script, I wonder?


loki 2870 /usr/packages/X11/driver% git-ls-remote --tags 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati'
6615f72479ba2f33e6188abc4dd73a9159e509db        refs/tags/CYGWIN-6_8_0-MERGE
6615f72479ba2f33e6188abc4dd73a9159e509db        refs/tags/CYGWIN-6_8_1-MERGE
7ae4827165f7bc4d1764427451ed63281305ac55        refs/tags/CYGWIN-6_8_2-MERGE
31396df3b0101571bb85a4a66b67f5a8b0c992a9        refs/tags/ati-6_6_0
c09c160cf382a5d65accd8ad4f2ab05b3860c93c        refs/tags/ati-6_6_1
23a21d00db6f3b88b54c44648f968018a03677d3        refs/tags/ati-6_6_1^{}
59d8f004dac4d39628adc72fc4de19add0feaf49        refs/tags/before_20040421_xprint_branch_landing

Note the doubled tag. Only the latter tag (with the trailing ^{})
appears to be valid.

I'm starting to lose all hope that I'll ever understand what the heck is
going on here. :/

`She *is*, however, one of the few sf authors with a last name ending in O,
 which adds some extra appeal to those of us who obsess about things like
 having a book review of an author for each letter in the alphabet.' -- rra

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