LG presentation for X dev conf

Deron Johnson Deron.Johnson at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 25 14:40:52 PST 2006

Stuart Kreitman wrote On 01/25/06 14:32,:
> Deron Johnson wrote:

>>has changed over the past year and where it is going. I'll also
>>give a brief overview of the Xorg architectural group activities
>>for standardizing some of the features that LG and other advanced
>>GPU-using desktops and tools have requested.

BTW: I've invited Keith to co-present this with me. I blind-CC'd
you on the invitation.

> I don't know who for these. if you have any ideas, please contact them 
> directly, and cc me.

I'll invite Andy Ritger. Also, do you know the names of the Mesa folks?
If you can give me the names I can invite them as well.

Do you know who works on Xvideo?

> Also, we can take these excellent suggestions to the wiki page. Make a 
> "Suggestion Box"

Yes. Please add this to the wiki page.

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