Event redirection adventures

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Mon Jan 9 11:02:35 PST 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 15:51 +0100, Amir Bukhari wrote:

> Upon internal calculation of contol application it decide to start search
> from "X" window. Requerement for this that the controll application receive
> events before they should be send out to clients. Making this redirection in
> "hit detection" rather than raw events may douplicate event proccesing . 

yes, the events must be filtered inside the server before delivery. My
point here is that the current prototypes filter events only once as
they are delivered to the X server by the input device. Correct
filtering must be done as they are processed (perhaps more than once)
for delivery to ensure that the proper window state is used for the

> It is not effiecent to let the controll application to answer, for that it
> need the complete window hierarchie and coordination for each window and
> that very expensive.

>  It is easyer for controll application to detect which
> top level window is under specific screen position acording to it's internal
> structure and translate this to relative to that top level window, Xserver
> can answer which child window is under this relative coord transformation.

Yes, the intra-window transformations can be done entirely within the X
server. I'm sorry if this wasn't clear from my message, but that's been
the plan all along.


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