Problem building lib/Xfont

Ismail Donmez ismail at
Thu Feb 23 00:16:57 PST 2006

Perşembe 23 Şubat 2006 10:00 tarihinde, Ismail Donmez şunları yazmıştı: 
> Perşembe 23 Şubat 2006 03:40 tarihinde, Deron Johnson şunları yazmıştı:
> > I'm trying to build all components of the modular tree cvs head (checked
> > out at around 12:00 noon PDT 2/22/06) and I'm encountering a build
> > failure in lib/Xfont.  My version of pkg-config is 0.20. Does anyone
> > have any advice? Many thanks.
> You need pkg-config.

Argh sorry forgot to read last part. Is there a /usr/share/aclocal/pkg.m4 in 
sight? If yes, what does 

grep PKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION /usr/share/aclocal/pkg.m4

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