projector (external monitor) howto on Intel i915gm

m h sesquile at
Tue Feb 21 20:19:22 PST 2006

I'm on track to getting this.  I had to set my xorg.conf to this:

Section "Device"
	#external monitor
        Option       "Clone" "yes"
	Option       "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP"

	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "i810"
	VideoRam    65536
	VendorName  "Intel Corp."
	BoardName   "Unknown Board"
	BusID       "PCI:0:2:0"

this is what I had previously that didn't work:
Section "Device"
	#For external monitors (projector)
	Option      "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP"
	Option      "Clone" "On"
	Option      "DevicePresence""yes"
        #end external

	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "i810"
	VideoRam    65536
	VendorName  "Intel Corp."
	BoardName   "Unknown Board"
	BusID       "PCI:0:2:0"

Now I can get external output on my vga port!  But I need to know how
to specify the mode for the external vga port.  The screen on my
laptop is 1400x1050, but I doubt that any projector has that for a
native resolution.  Does anyone know how to specify
modelines/resolution for only the vga port?


On 2/20/06, m h <sesquile at> wrote:
> Folks-
> I've a i915gm and am trying to get an external monitor (projector) to work.
> Can someone point me to documentation that walks through setting this
> up?  I've seen a bunch of .conf files floating around on peoples
> blogs, but that's about it....
> thanks
> matt

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