GLX indirect rendering broken

Adam Jackson ajax at
Sun Sep 25 21:52:49 PDT 2005

On Sunday 25 September 2005 15:51, Brian Paul wrote:
> Well, disabling the FASTCALL macro fixed all my problems.
> Ian, it looks like you wrote that code.  I don't know why the FASTCALL
> business is causing trouble, but I'm very tempted to simply
> disable/remove it.  Is there any good reason for it?  I can't imagine
> it making any real difference in performance.  No GL program is going
> to be limited by the speed of those particular functions.

FASTCALL changes the calling convention.  Moves most of the parameters from 
the stack into registers, iirc.  If you're going to use it you need to at 
least mirror the attribute in the declaration in the header too (which I 
don't think the generator scripts do).  It's not a huge performance win last 
I checked.

- ajax
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