Feature request: modular config files

Andy Goth unununium at openverse.com
Mon Oct 31 13:21:55 PST 2005

Johan wrote:
> ...
> Version support would also be easy because versions can be included in
> the indetifier.

But beware second system effect.  Don't do too much.  And don't forget
that even though there are some problems with the current system (mostly
having to do with learning curve), it does work.  Lastly, try not to put
too much policy into X when it comes to file naming and hierarchy;
instead give a recommendation (preferably one the autoconfigurator
itself can optionally follow) and let the user/distributor do whatever
he/she/it wills.

Andy Goth
   <amgoth at link.com>
   <unununium at openverse.com>
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