coLinux fbdev pcidata scanpci

David Lawler djlawler at
Mon Oct 3 10:19:29 PDT 2005

Is it possible to build a version of the full xorg server that does not probe 
the pci bus for information?  Currently, coLinux is at the point where it has a 
little support for a frame buffer.  I have been able to build versions of the 
old Kdrive server that work (mostly) with the new features.  Unfortunately, I 
can't get the full 6.8.2 X server to work at fails when it loads the 
pcidata module (and probably would fail at scanpci as well).  coLinux does not 
emulate the pci bus (as far as I know).  I am not a coLinux developer and do 
not know my way around /xc too well either - but a hint as to whether it is 
possible either through build options or xorg.conf would be nice.


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