Getting the big picture from config file for driver configuration & validation

Alex Deucher alexdeucher at
Tue Mar 15 13:55:52 PST 2005

On 15 Mar 2005 16:08:06 -0500, Michel Hubert <mhubert at> wrote:
> Our driver architecture includes several layers but among them we have a
> cross-platform layer and an xorg layer.
> Suppose we have a triple head independant configuration with Xinerama.
> In this case, we have the following steps:
> PreInit() for Screen 0:
> 1) Process & accumulate data configuration in Xorg layer (pScrn,
> EntityPrivate data structure, ...).
> 2) initialize and build resource usage and configuration in
> cross-platform layer.
> 3) validate request
> 4) Fill in structures in the xorg layer and return
> For brievety sake, this PreInit() process could be recapitulated like
> this:
> 1) Accumulate Screen0-Xorg
> 2) Build Screen0-Cross0  *See note 1
> 3) Validate
> 4) Complete Screen0-Xorg
> Note 1:  Screen0-Cross0 means instance 0 of CrossPlatform Layer data for
> screen 0.
> Now suppose PreInit() for this Screen succeeds, and a Screen 1 adds
> configuration options that have an impact on Screen 0 assumptions:
> 5) Accumulate Screen1-Xorg
> 6) Detect Conflicts/Limitations
> 7) Build Screen1-Cross0 & Screen0-Cross1
> 8.1) Validate Screen1
> 8.2) Re-validate Screen0
> 9) If validate succeeds, destroy Screen0-Cross0 (and replace by
> Screen0-Cross1)
> 10) Adjust Screen0-Xorg with new settings according to new ressources
> allocation.  See note 2.
> 11) Complete Screen1-Xorg
> *Note 2: This have never happened for us.  But consider we have to
> switch from one PLL to another, the refresh rate that we validated in
> previous PreInit() could be revised to a lower value, and have an impact
> on mode timings...  Or hardware memory allocation scheme that requires
> two heads to be contiguous...
> Suppose PreInit() succeeds again, and a Screen 2 adds configuration
> options that have an impact on Screen 0 & Screen 1 assumptions:
> 12) Accumulate Screen2-Xorg
> 13) Detect Conflicts/Limitations
> 14) Build Screen2-Cross0 & Screen1-Cross1 & Screen0-Cross2
> 15.1) Validate Screen2
> 15.2) Re-Validate Screen1
> 15.3) Re-Validate Screen0
> 16) If validate succeeds, destroy Screen0-Cross1 & Screen1-Cross0 ( and
> replace by Screen0-Cross2 & Screen1-Cross1 )
> 17) Adjust Screen0-Xorg & Screen1-Xorg
> 18) Complete Screen2-Xorg
> Adjusting & revalidating previously validated pScrn is not clean.
> That's not to say that some modified values might have been previously
> cached by other modules in between two PreInit() calls.
> The following solutions are possible:
> - expose our users to the complexity of our hardware by forcing them to
> describe Screens in configuration files from the most constraint one to
> the least constraint one. (quite impossible to explain & cover all
> cases)
> - limit some of the functionnality we offer.
> - or simply give us access to xf86configptr and let us do the dirty work
> for you !
> Let's see what the latter solution means:
> A) Gather config file requirements for the whole device (e.g: give
> access to xf86configptr for Video Drivers)
> B) Accumulate Screen0-Xorg
> C) Make educated choices related to ressources and build Screen0-Cross0
> D) Validate
> E) Complete Screen0-Xorg
> F) Accumulate Screen1-Xorg
> G) Make educated choices related to ressources and build Screen1-Cross0
> H) Validate
> I) Complete Screen1-Xorg
> J) Accumulate Screen2-Xorg
> K) Make educated choices related to ressources and build Screen2-Cross0
> L) Validate
> M) Complete Screen2-Xorg
> >From a graphic driver standpoint, the fact is that we are managing
> resources for a DEVICE, not simply independant Screens.  Why not giving
> us all the information when need to accomplish this task ?
> No need to say that we are most probably not the only graphic chip
> vendor in this situation...

I agree.  I'd much rather deal with one instance of the driver to
handle all attached outputs than the current system.


> Thank you for your time,
> Michel
> On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 08:36, Alan Cox wrote:
> > On Llu, 2005-03-14 at 22:45, Michel Hubert wrote:
> > > For example, let's take a triple head configuration in Xinerama.  3
> > > ScrnInfoRec are created, and PreInit() is called for each one.  Using
> > > Entity Private Data, each one can know how many outputs have been
> > > requested up to now and to some degree, what are the requested
> > > features.  But this implies that the complete config validation has to
> > > be reperformed each time a new pScrn is added and that adds a lot of
> > > unncessary complexity.
> >
> > It hurts performance at startup which ought to be minor. I'm not so sure
> > about the complexity side although I've no idea how your driver looks.
> >
> > If you've got a single routine that takes a list of screens and
> > validates them then you end up calling it three times, each with more
> > data than the last but the routine itself is no more complex than it has
> > to be anyway ?
> >
> --
> Michel Hubert <mhubert at>
> Matrox Graphics Inc.
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