glX overlay

Christopher Horler chris.horler at
Sun Mar 13 11:00:59 PST 2005

I've been trying to use GLX_LEVEL 1 with my graphics card my laptop
(ATI M11/9700).  Using the latest ATI driver (released toward the end of 
February) fglrx.  I've specified the necessary option in the X config file.

I checked the visuals reported by glxinfo and I get 4 visuals listed with 
level 1 and numerous with level 0.  

I tried to use QT and it's overlay and failed (even with the example program 
that uses an overlay).  X doesn't produce any events which might help to 
identify the cause.

I then wrote a glX program to use the overlay.  I can get the visual 
requested, make a context, but not successfully make that context current 

Please can someone confirm if fglrx/GLX/X server should support this, and if 
they've got it to work?  I ask because I found some reference on various web 
sites to say it's not supported, although this was more directed to xfree and 
not xorg and made no reference to fglrx.



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