CVS Update: xc (branch: trunk)

Daniel Stone daniel at
Mon Jan 31 22:09:07 PST 2005

On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 12:35:03AM -0500, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> I searched the mailing list, and I couldn't find any emails 
> mentioning the rationale or approval for this change.  Was this 
> discussed on a confcall or somesuch?

No, it wasn't.

> Could someone summarize the rationale for the change, and it's 
> acceptance into CVS head?

The rationale is simple: if another library is using it, it is not
private API, no matter how many underscores you put in front of the
symbol, and no matter that you put a comment saying 'this is private
API'.  It's simply not.

I made this change so we could actually delineate between what was
and was not private API.  I don't know what the rationale for intruding
on another library's allegedly private API was in the first place, but
I just made it official: either it should be public, or libSM must not
rely on it.

I committed it into CVS HEAD as it was quite obviously correct.  I
moved the symbol into public API visibility, and bumped the soversion
by 0.1 as it introduced a new symbol.  Backwards compatibility was
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