Bounties secound try (agree or bash just spell my name right;)

Ely Levy elylevy-xserver at
Sat Feb 19 12:16:44 PST 2005


After not getting any respond whatsoever to my last email I'll try again.

1) Trying out bounties won't hurt anyone.
2) All I need from you guys is help in founding bounties idea and
   a general permission to try it in xorg's name.(which is important
   as I'm going to try to get people to contribute money for it).
3) If anything official need to be done to handle the money.

So please take a few minutes and write some bounties ideas,
if you can write how long/how much work do you think it would take.
And if you have even a bit more time please help out by writing
as accurate description as possible to what need to be done.

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem Israel

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