submit a new keymap

Alan Coopersmith Alan.Coopersmith at Sun.COM
Sun Apr 3 17:30:32 PDT 2005

Étienne Bersac wrote:
> Hello,
> I submit a bug at fd.o to submit the keymap, but nobody seems to take
> care about this. I'm a bit disappointed. Do you know who manage those
> request ?

No one does unfortunately.   The xkeyboard-config project is maintaining
their own set of xkb maps and will likely be included in the X11R7.0 
modular tree, so no one wants to duplicate their work or spend time on
the current set of XKB keymaps in the 6.x tree, and so many XKB bugs sit
there going nowhere for now.

	-Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at
	 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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