Patch to mouse accel code

Jan Brunner brunner at
Thu Nov 11 11:38:40 PST 2004

I wrote a patch that uses the same method to prevent accumulation of 
rounding errors in the threshold acceleration code as the exponential 
acceleration does.

The main advantage of this method (compared to not saving the 
remainders) is that slowing down the mouse, e.g. "xset m 1/3 1" works 
without problems (with the current implementation, the pointer doesn't 
move when the mouse is moved slowly). As mice get higher and higher 
resolution, this will be appreciated by many users.

I created a Bugzilla entry and attached the proposed patch. It would be 
nice if someone with commit access could review it and add it to cvs.

Best Regards,
Jan Brunner <brunner at>

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