[Xorg] HALification of xorg/xserver

Leen Toelen leen.toelen at cropdesign.com
Wed Jun 9 04:07:28 PDT 2004

Hi all,

some time ago I found some mails in the xserver list about autodetecting 
video cards and getting rid of some parts of the XFree86Config file. 
Recently I installed debian (unstable) and got some questions from the 
XFree86 installer about refresh rates, video card type, amount of video 
memory etc. Now, I am fairly knowledgable about computers, but I believe 
that a normal user finds it very hard to answer these questions. Also, 
when a user changes a video card, the config file needs to be adapted as 
well, otherwise the xserver just won't start.
So my question: is there any work going on to halify the xorg/xserver, 
and autodetecxt these settings at runtime, or is the general plan to 
stick with the configuration file? It would be great if the 
configuration tools just changed the hal keys, and the kernel warns hal 
about the video card/mouse/keyboard present, and these are queried when 
starting x.

Best regards,
Leen Toelen

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