[Xorg] Installing as non-root user

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Fri Aug 13 16:31:33 PDT 2004

Around 23 o'clock on Aug 13, Markus Kuhn wrote:

> Is there a simple/neat way (e.g., setting a small number of environment
> variables) to "make install" X11R6.7 from the cvs tree as a non-root user into
> my home directory (say in ~/local/X11R6/ instead of /usr/X11R6/), to do
> development work and testing on the client-side of X11R6 without changing
> anything outside my home directory?

In my config/cf/host.def file, I have:

#define ProjectRoot                     /home/keithp/X11/Xorg
#define NothingOutsideProjectRoot       YES

This *should* work, although xprint has some nagging problems (which only 
encouraged me to also add #define BuildXprint NO...)

Then use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/keithp/X11/Xorg/lib and apps run fine.


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