[Xorg] Solicitation of screen shots of new facilities in action...

Peter Zijlstra a.p.zijlstra at chello.nl
Fri Aug 13 10:53:16 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 18:00 -0500, Ryan wrote:
> Here's one that looks deceptively good.
> http://ruinaudio.com/Xorg-xcompmgr.png


I did the xcompmng thing in there, however is it supposed to be so dog
slow, and that on a dual athlon 1400 with a radeon 9000 ?

It redraws the screen in 3 secs. I can see the horz scanline move down.
Sure the shadows with xcompmng -c look nice, but one just cannot move a
single window anymore.

config file attached.

Kind regards,

Peter Zijlstra
-------------- next part --------------

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
#	Screen      1  "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
	RgbPath      "/usr/Xorg/lib/X11/rgb"
	ModulePath   "/usr/Xorg/lib/modules,/usr/Xorg/lib/modules/dri"

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	FontPath "/usr/Xorg/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
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	FontPath "/usr/Xorg/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
	FontPath "/usr/Xorg/lib/X11/fonts/util"


Section "Module"
	Load  "GLcore"
	Load  "dbe"
	Load  "dri"
	Load  "extmod"
	Load  "glx"
	Load  "record"
	Load  "bitmap"
	Load  "type1"
	Load  "speedo"
	Load  "freetype"
	Load  "v4l"

Section "ServerFlags"
#	Option	"Xinerama"	"true"
	Option      "standby time"  "20"
	Option      "suspend time"  "0"
	Option      "off time"      "60"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier  "Mouse0"
    Driver      "mouse"
    Option      "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
#    Option      "Device" "/dev/misc/psaux"
#    Option      "Protocol" "NetScrollPS/2"
    Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse"
    Option      "Buttons" "7"
    Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
    Option      "Resolution"    "2000"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "CTX"
	ModelName    "3680"
	Option		 "DPMS"
#	DisplaySize	 325 245

	HorizSync  27.0-107
	VertRefresh 50.0-160.0
     ModeLine "1600x1200" 229.35 1600 1672 2032 2176 1200 1202 1214 1240 #85Hz
#    ModeLine "1600x1200" 232.04 1600 1672 2032 2176 1200 1202 1214 1240 #86Hz

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"Monitor2"
	VendorName	"LG"
	ModelName	"915FT+"
	Option		"DPMS"
	HorizSync	30.0-107.0
	VertRefresh	50.0-200.0
	ModeLine "2048x1536" 355.64 2048 2144 2584 2736 1536 1546 1558 1600 #81Hz
	ModeLine "1920x1440" 299.31 1920 2000 2400 2560 1440 1442 1454 1480 #79Hz
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	ModeLine "1800x1350" 298.46 1800 1880 2280 2440 1350 1352 1364 1390 #88Hz

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor1"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
	Option		 "DPMS"
#	DisplaySize  400 300

	HorizSync  27.0-130.0
	VertRefresh 50.0-160.0

#	Modeline "2048x1536" 360.00 2048 2064 2544 2856 1536 1536 1557 1605 +hsync +vsync # 78Hz
#   ModeLine "2048x1536" 355.64 2048 2136 2576 2752 1536 1538 1550 1576 #82Hz
    ModeLine "2048x1536" 355.64 2048 2144 2584 2736 1536 1546 1558 1600 #81Hz
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Section "Device"
    Option     "AGPMode" "2"
	Option     "AGPFastWrite" "off"
	Option     "EnablePageFlip" "on"
#	Option     "MonitorLayout" "CRT,TMDS"
	Identifier  "Card1"
	Driver      "ati"
	VendorName  "Ati"
	BoardName   "Radeon 9000"
	BusID       "PCI:1:5:0"
	Screen		1

Section "Extensions"
	Option  "Composite"     "Enable"

Section "Device"
    Option     "AGPMode" "2"
	Option     "AGPFastWrite" "off"
#	Option     "EnablePageFlip" "on"
#	Option     "MonitorLayout" "CRT,CRT"
#	Option "IgnoreEDID" "on"
#	Option "NoDCC" "on"
#	Option "DCCMode" "on"
	Option		"MergedFB" "on"
#	Option		"MergedFBAuto" "on"
	Option		"CRT2Position" "LeftOf"
	Option		"MergedDPI" "75 75"
	Option		"CRT2HSync" "27-130"
	Option		"CRT2VRefresh" "50-160"
	Option		"MetaModes" "1600x1200-2048x1536 1600x1200-1600x1200"
	Option		"AsymetricPan" "off"

	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "ati"
	VendorName  "Ati"
	BoardName   "Radeon 9000"
	BusID       "PCI:1:5:0"
	Screen		0

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor2"
	DefaultColorDepth 24
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	SubSection "Display"
		Depth     16
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	SubSection "Display"
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Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen1"
	Device     "Card1"
	Monitor    "Monitor1"
	DefaultColorDepth 24
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	SubSection "Display"
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	SubSection "Display"
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		Modes       "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "DRI"
	Mode 0666

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