thread safety

Matt Henning msh126 at
Thu Jan 19 03:00:32 EET 2006

I'm currently using the modular X11R7.0 build.
Is there an issue with particular X features and
I'm using the libX11 with Gtk 2.4 and the drag and
drop feature (specifically with a GtkEntry) works
fine, unless I call XInitThreads() in my main().
Doing a trace, libX11 is stuck within the
_XDisplayLock().  I turned on the XTHREADS_WARN and
get some warnings about trying to lock a mutex that
was not released.
But it seems the Locks and Unlocks are matched, but
the SyncHandle()s seem to call a lock on the mutex
again (and thus causes the lockup).
Does this sound like a reasonable assessment?
If so, is it safe to change the SyncHandle() macro to
be empty?  My understanding is that it is only to
serialize the X events for debugging purposes.  So I
would think the only drawback to this would be he
inability to debug the events.
thanks for your help

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