where to get GL/gl.h from ?

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Thu May 11 13:42:48 PDT 2006

* Stanislav Sedov <stas at 310.ru> wrote:

> > Okay, if I just have to disable them, its okay for now. 
> > But requiring the *source* of an imported package is 
> > generally a bad idea. Why that ?!
> > 
> Mesa is part of Xorg now and developed in the same CVS tree.

That was not the question. It was: why does some package A
require the *source* of some package B.

I see only two _clean_ options:

a) the package B is really a part of A -> then it belongs into
   its tree.
b) the package B is imported by A -> then the already compiled
   package B and its headerfiles have to be installed to build A.
Requiring the source of some package outside the tree make 
things unnecessarily complicated.

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service - http://www.metux.de/
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