Some thoughts on the modularization effort

Kean Johnston kean at
Wed Mar 30 19:55:24 PST 2005

> lsf = clumon_lsf
> endif
Thereby creating a dependency on GNU make. You could have written it
more portably, in a Makefile,in, as something like:

@COMPILE_LSF at lsf = clumon_lsf

And then in your, if you dont want to COMPILE_LSF to
be true, you AC_DEFINE it to #. That way you get the conditionals
working in the Makefile without creating a dependency on a specific

For the project you are working on, that dependency may not be an
issue. But for, which curently works on hundreds of systems,
not all of which use GNU make, forcing a dependency on GNU make
would be a regression. If thats acceptable, so be it.

> You assume developers don't want to rebuild the .in files or run an 
> which would rebuild it all. 
Not really, I just know from experience its a pain in the butt.
The project maintainer has autoconf 1.8.5, I only have 1.8.4.
The makefiles work for him, they don't for me. Now I have to
upgrade system level tools just to work on adding a small change?
I know thats become common practice, its just not very *good*
practice (IMHO).


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