What distros/flavours provide modular X.org?

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Thu Dec 29 21:58:39 PST 2005

(I carbon-copied this to two lists. Maybe consider only replying back to 
the x-packagers list.)

What Unix/Linux/Other Vendors' distributions or flavours provide modular 

Does x.org or freedesktop.org have a wiki page that lists them? I'd be 
interested in taking the results of the replies and putting into the wiki. 
(What page should I use or create?)

Any URL(s) specific to the overall modular work for specific distros?

What versions (and date) did the official release of the distribution 
include modularized X.org?

Does it also provide monolithic X.org (or XFree86) as an alternative? if 
so, what is the default and are they interchangeable (without having to 
reinstall all X-using packages)?

If not in the distro yet, is it expected in upcoming release? When?

Are all the individual components as provided by X.org as seperate files 
provided as separate packages (one-to-one)? If not (like one package 
covers multiple X.org components), why?

One reason, why I am asking this is I am curious to see what one line 
descriptions and paragragh descriptions are used for the various packages 
by different vendors. (I'd like to help get the empty READMEs with some 
useful content.)

To answer the above for NetBSD, DragonFly, PkgLinux and other pkgsrc using 

They do not have a modularized X.org yet. A few components (older xlibs 
versions) are in official pkgsrc and many of the modular X.org packages 
are in pkgsrc-wip (work in progress) but not completed. NetBSD comes with 
native XFree86 in default installation (if you choose X). And XFree86 and 
monolithic X.org 6.82 is available via pkgsrc. "Native" is the default for 
NetBSD, and XFree86 or Xorg via pkgsrc are optional (and install to 
different places). On DragonFly and PkgLinux, Xorg from pkgsrc is the 
default for X. If you choose a different X and want to remove the other, 
you must rebuild all your packages. There is current work on the 
monolithic Xorg 6.9.0 packaging too.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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