[Xorg-driver-geode] [PATCH 5/5] Improve the glyph rendering performance

Huang, FrankR FrankR.Huang at amd.com
Sun Jul 25 20:35:54 PDT 2010

From: Frank Huang <frankr.huang at amd.com>

*Add a PICT_a8 entry in the format we support
*Based on Mart's work around patch, give three judge for PictOpAdd
in lx_check_composite
*Use a function to implement the glyph rendering(SW+HW)
*The performance is grown up apparently(10 times) for "x11perf -aa10text"
and "x11perf -aa24text"

Signed-off-by: Frank Huang <frankr.huang at amd.com>
               Mart Raudsepp <leio at gentoo.org>
 src/lx_exa.c |  149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
A latest SW+HW solve way. That is better for "x11perf -aa24text" test because the width is bigger.

Stat. for reference:
x11perf -aa10text: 46400/s
x11perf -aa24text: 18300/s

diff --git a/src/lx_exa.c b/src/lx_exa.c
index 74327ef..0c18d4f 100644
--- a/src/lx_exa.c
+++ b/src/lx_exa.c
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ static const struct exa_format_t
     PICT_b5g6r5, 16, CIMGP_SOURCE_FMT_16BPP_BGR, 0}, {
     PICT_x1r5g5b5, 16, CIMGP_SOURCE_FMT_1_5_5_5, 0}, {
     PICT_x1b5g5r5, 16, CIMGP_SOURCE_FMT_15BPP_BGR, 0}, {
-    PICT_r3g3b2, 8, CIMGP_SOURCE_FMT_3_3_2, 0}
+    PICT_r3g3b2, 8, CIMGP_SOURCE_FMT_3_3_2, 0}, {
+    PICT_a8, 32, CIMGP_SOURCE_FMT_8_8_8_8, 8}
 /* This is a chunk of memory we use for scratch space */
@@ -457,16 +458,9 @@ lx_get_format(PicturePtr p)
     int i;
     unsigned int format = p->format;
-    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(lx_exa_formats); i++) {
-	if (lx_exa_formats[i].bpp < PICT_FORMAT_BPP(format))
-	    break;
-	else if (lx_exa_formats[i].bpp != PICT_FORMAT_BPP(format))
-	    continue;
+    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(lx_exa_formats); i++)
 	if (lx_exa_formats[i].exa == format)
 	    return (&lx_exa_formats[i]);
-    }
     return NULL;
@@ -543,6 +537,26 @@ lx_check_composite(int op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pMsk, PicturePtr pDst)
     if (op > PictOpAdd)
 	return FALSE;
+    /* FIXME: Meet this conditions from the debug for PictOpAdd.
+     * Any Other possibilities? Add a judge for the future supplement */
+    if (op == PictOpAdd && pSrc->format == PICT_a8r8g8b8 &&
+	pDst->format == PICT_a8 && !pMsk)
+	return TRUE;
+    if (op == PictOpAdd && pSrc->format == PICT_x8r8g8b8 &&
+	pDst->format == PICT_a8 && !pMsk)
+	return TRUE;
+    if (op == PictOpAdd && pSrc->format == PICT_r5g6b5 &&
+	pDst->format == PICT_a8 && !pMsk)
+	return TRUE;
+    if  ((op == PictOpAdd) && (pSrc->format != pDst->format)) {
+	ErrorF("PictOpAdd: the pSrc->format = %x, the pDst->format = %x\n",
+	    pSrc->format, pDst->format);
+	return FALSE;
+    }
     /* We need the off-screen buffer to do the multipass work */
     if (usesPasses(op)) {
@@ -586,7 +600,8 @@ lx_check_composite(int op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pMsk, PicturePtr pDst)
     /* XXX - I don't understand PICT_a8 enough - so I'm punting */
-    if (pSrc->format == PICT_a8 || pDst->format == PICT_a8)
+    if ((op != PictOpAdd) && (pSrc->format == PICT_a8 ||
+	pDst->format == PICT_a8))
 	return FALSE;
     if (pMsk && op != PictOpClear) {
@@ -795,6 +810,116 @@ get_op_type(struct exa_format_t *src, struct exa_format_t *dst, int type)
 			      ((_x) * exaScratch.srcBpp))
 static void
+lx_composite_onepass_pict_a8(PixmapPtr pxDst, unsigned long dstOffset,
+    unsigned long srcOffset, int width, int height, int opX, int opY,
+    int srcX, int srcY)
+    struct blend_ops_t *opPtr;
+    int apply, type;
+    int optempX, optempY;
+    int i, j;
+    int calWidth;
+    unsigned long pixmapOffset, pixmapPitch, calBitsPixel;
+    int mod4, mod4flag;
+    /* Keep this GP idle judge here. Otherwise the SW method has chance to
+     * conflict with the HW rendering method */
+    gp_wait_until_idle();
+    /* These 5 local parameters are used for performance improvement */
+    pixmapOffset = exaGetPixmapOffset(pxDst);
+    pixmapPitch = exaGetPixmapPitch(pxDst);
+    calBitsPixel = (pxDst->drawable.bitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
+    mod4 = 4 - opX % 4;
+    mod4flag = (opX % 4 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
+    /* If the width is lower than 4, do rendering in pure SW method */
+    if (width < 4) {
+	for (j = srcY; j < srcY + height; j++)
+	    for (i = srcX; i < srcX + width; i++) {
+		srcOffset = GetSrcOffset(i, j);
+		optempX = opX + i - srcX;
+		optempY = opY + j - srcY;
+		dstOffset = pixmapOffset + pixmapPitch * optempY +
+		    calBitsPixel * optempX;
+		*(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) = (*(cim_fb_ptr + srcOffset)
+		    + *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) <= 0xff) ? *(cim_fb_ptr
+		    + srcOffset) + *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) : 0xff;
+	    }
+	return ;
+    }
+    /* Do SW rendering to the first pixels(4 - opX % 4) of each line in order
+     * the alignment of 4 bytes of the destination */
+    if (mod4flag) {
+	for (j = srcY; j < srcY + height; j++)
+	    for (i = srcX; i < srcX + mod4; i++) {
+		srcOffset = GetSrcOffset(i, j);
+		optempX = opX + i - srcX;
+		optempY = opY + j - srcY;
+		dstOffset = pixmapOffset + pixmapPitch * optempY +
+		    calBitsPixel * optempX;
+		*(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) = (*(cim_fb_ptr + srcOffset)
+		    + *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) <= 0xff) ? *(cim_fb_ptr
+		    + srcOffset) + *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) : 0xff;
+	    }
+    }
+    /* Do HW rendering to the middle pixels except the last dword(4 pixels),
+     * because the HW will do the wrong rendering to that based on debug, still
+     * the alighment thing */
+    if (mod4flag) {
+	srcOffset = GetSrcOffset(srcX + mod4, srcY);
+	dstOffset = pixmapOffset + pixmapPitch * opY +
+	    calBitsPixel * (opX + mod4);
+	calWidth = (width - mod4) / 4;
+	if (calWidth > 0)
+	    calWidth = calWidth - 1;
+	else
+	    calWidth = 0;
+    } else {
+	srcOffset = GetSrcOffset(srcX, srcY);
+	dstOffset = pixmapOffset + pixmapPitch * opY +
+	    calBitsPixel * opX;
+	calWidth = width / 4;
+    }
+    if (calWidth > 0) {
+	opPtr = &lx_alpha_ops[exaScratch.op * 2];
+	gp_declare_blt(0);
+	gp_set_bpp(32);
+	gp_set_strides(exaGetPixmapPitch(pxDst), exaScratch.srcPitch);
+	gp_set_source_format(8);
+	type = opPtr->type;
+	gp_set_alpha_operation(opPtr->operation, type, opPtr->channel,
+	    apply, 0);
+	gp_screen_to_screen_convert(dstOffset, srcOffset, calWidth, height, 0);
+    }
+    /* Do SW rendering to the remaining pixels */
+    if (mod4flag)
+	if (calWidth > 0)
+		calWidth = calWidth * 4 + mod4;
+	else
+		calWidth = mod4;
+    else
+	calWidth = (width / 4) * 4;
+    for (j = srcY; j < srcY + height; j++)
+	for (i = srcX + calWidth; i < srcX + width; i++) {
+	    srcOffset = GetSrcOffset(i, j);
+	    optempX = opX + i - srcX;
+	    optempY = opY + j - srcY;
+	    dstOffset = pixmapOffset + pixmapPitch * optempY +
+		calBitsPixel * optempX;
+	    *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) = (*(cim_fb_ptr + srcOffset)
+		+ *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) <= 0xff) ?
+		*(cim_fb_ptr + srcOffset) + *(cim_fb_ptr + dstOffset) : 0xff;
+	}
+static void
 lx_composite_onepass(PixmapPtr pxDst, unsigned long dstOffset,
     unsigned long srcOffset, int width, int height)
@@ -1268,6 +1393,10 @@ lx_do_composite(PixmapPtr pxDst, int srcX, int srcY, int maskX,
 		== 1))
 		lx_composite_onepass_special(pxDst, dstOffset, srcOffset,
 		    opWidth, opHeight, opX, opY, srcX, srcY);
+	    else if ((exaScratch.op == PictOpAdd) && (exaScratch.srcFormat->exa
+		== PICT_a8) && (exaScratch.dstFormat->exa == PICT_a8))
+		lx_composite_onepass_pict_a8(pxDst, dstOffset, srcOffset,
+		    opWidth, opHeight, opX, opY, srcX, srcY);
 		lx_composite_onepass(pxDst, dstOffset, srcOffset, opWidth,

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