HDMI problems

William Lewis minutemaidpark at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 29 15:49:01 PDT 2014

I need some help getting my HD6450 set up to drive a Denon AVR-1913.

I had it working in the past with an NVIDIA card, and for some reason, it just stopped working.  I'm running kernel 3.13.6 with xorg-xf86-video-ati 7.3.0 and xorg server 1.14.5 on CRUX Linux.  The DVI output works perfectly straight to the TV, but the HDMI out to the receiver never sets the mode properly, although xrandr lists a boatload of valid modes and reports it as having set it properly.  The receiver never goes to digital input or PCM audio.

I tried to take the HDMI output straight to the TV, and I got a similar problem.  If I force the TV to try the HDMI input, eventually it will get a garbled signal, but that particular input on the TV is grayed out.  Again, DVI is perfect.

How can I tell what state the HDMI link is in?  Or am I barking up the wrong tree altogether?

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